Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Real Boy

Another good day. You are still having fevers though. The docs and nurses are a little perplexed. Initially, they thought it was because of the cold virus you had, but the viral infection should have already run it's course. You may have another. Or, it could be caused by one of your antibiotics. I guess some antibiotics, when used for too long can cause fevers. The surgeons called for you to get a CT scan of your abdomen to rule out any infection in your intestines or belly. So far the CT scan didn't show anything. Now we are waiting for the culture from two days ago to come back to see if you have another viral infection. Questions, questions. Waiting, waiting.
Let's see, what fun things did you get to do today? Well, the physical therapist came by to play. We played with bubbles (gonna have to take a pic of that), cars, and you played pass with a ball. It was awesome. And you did all that while sitting in my lap, like a regular ol' boy. . . minus all your tubes and your wobbly head. You got to go for a ride in your bed to the CT scan room here on the 8th floor. You got to go out of your room, on a little adventure. You haven't been out of your room since you were sedated and went to the ER. You seemed entertained. You also got a sponge bath. Kim, your nurse, wiped you down with warm wash cloths. Sometimes you seemed to enjoy it. Other times you just seemed irritated. But, you look good! Daddy said if you went many more days your hair would sprout dreadlocks. And, finally, you got some jammies. Kim said you needed some clothes so that you would look like a "real boy." I liked that. You look cute, and cozy.
You slept a lot today. Most of the time when you sleep you put your hand behind your head. Everyone gets a kick out to that. Breathing is good. Heartrate is good. Respiratory therapy is going well. Good, good, good.
The resident, David, came by today to say that today would be his last day. He would be leaving for a winter break and when he returned we would be gone. He gave you a gift. A book, "Zen Shorts" by Jon J. Muth. Wonderful book. Seems applicable to our experiences here. But, it will be applicable throughout our lives too. Such wonderful people here. We are so blessed. Here is what David wrote on the inside cover of your book:

Taking care of you in the ICU inspired me. Your incredible family taught me that love is the ultimate medicine. As you grow up, consider their support your greatest strength.
Enjoy these stories, be wise, and STAY well!


Sweet, good words. Wise words for us all. I have realized, through this experience, that my family (friends, neighbors, and even people I have not met) are my greatest strength. What a realization. We are not alone. And we need each other. I love that.

I love you, little booger :)


  1. I'm so glad you don't feel alone! Wish I could help more...

  2. Dearest Betsy ~

    It must be so great to see William doing fun little boy things while he sits on your lap. It's so wonderful that he is doing better every day.

    What the resident, David, said is absolutely true...your family is incredible! =)

    Thank you for sharing your inspiring experiences with us all.

    Lots of Love, Janet

  3. Sorry to hear about the fevers.....but glad to hear he was doing some fun things and got to go for a ride to the CT room:)

    What a kind and caring person David is to have given you that book...and the inscription is very touching....you are very blessed to be surrounded by such great people.

  4. I thought about you alot today. I was glad to hear that you had a good day too. God Bless.


  5. I am so glad to hear you have such wonderful people helping you at the hospital! What a blessing!

  6. I am so glad that little William is improving, day by day. You are a wonderful writer, and you'll always be glad you journaled through this experience.
    I will be following this story to it's happy ending. I know this Christmas will be different, but what a gift to have your family intact after such a life-threatinging illness. I'll be dancing on the rooftop with Rudolph in celebration of Will's and your family's happy outcome. Your future holiday seasons will be extra blessed as you remember this close call.

    I wish the best of everything for you and your family, and offer a virtual soft caress to little William's silky head. What a brave, strong boy he is.

  7. What a sweet gesture from David. I, too, am grateful you are being so well taken care of. We're thinking of you :)

