Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Beginning of the End

Hey, Little Man. So, yes, this is the beginning of the end. We check back into the hospital tomorrow. Your surgery is scheduled for Thursday. They will take all of tomorrow prepping your little body. They need to "flush" your system. Get it all cleaned out and ready.
I am not really excited about any of this, except the end product. Which is a put back together William. The best product.
You are definitely ready and strong enough for the surgery. In the past five days or so Daddy and I have changed your ostomy bag about 10 times. I changed it three times yesterday! Luckily Daddy came home for the third, otherwise I might have cried through the whole thing :) The reason it has been leaking so much is because of your increased activity. You're a little machine. Up, down, over, under, rolling, climbing. Every time you move the bag moves with you. So, it quickly wiggles right off of you. Or, I don't know, maybe you are secretly picking at it so it will come off sooner so we will change it and you can watch "Fox and the Hound." Every time we change your bag we start up that movie. You LOVE that movie. I think we have watched it about a hundred times in the past few months. We are all quoting it. Hopefully, all you will remember, if anything, about your ostomy bags is good ol' Copper and Todd. But, all this hard stuff helps me to feel more ready to watch you go through another surgery and another hospital stay. And then after the hard part you may very well be done with hospitals for the rest of your life. That sounds nice.
I hope you're ready for this. Be strong and know I am loving you and willing and wanting to do whatever I can to make it easier. We're almost there, William. Let's do it. See you at the hospital. Sweet Dreams. Your mommy loves you like crazy!


  1. I'm so happy little William continues to improve! Good luck this week!

  2. I'm so thankful that everything is so "fixable". What a blessing!

  3. Dearest Betsy ~

    I LOVE the idea that Will may have been secretly wiggling his ostomy bag off to get to watch Fox and the Hound...there is something so mischievously healthy about that!

    We are fervently praying for William's safe passage through this next surgery and imploring that it be his last.

    As always, I'm at your disposal. Let me know when you'd like me to start sending in meals.

    I Love You, Janet
